PLANning for the Future

The first environmental conference I ever attended was the inaugural Post Landfill Action Network (PLAN) Students for Zero Waste conference in October of 2014. I was a student in college, took the train from school to Durham, New Hampshire, and was able to identify other conference attendees by their overnight packs and sleeping bags; part... Continue Reading →

Zero Waste in the Beauty Industry

A few weeks ago I got into a conversation with a friend about plastics in the beauty industry.  "There are just plastic containers everywhere, and there are no good alternatives. There are shampoo bars, which are more expensive and you can only get in a few places. Also do tooth tabs even work? Plus they... Continue Reading →

Plastic Free July Challenge

As much as I've resisted this, I'm a jar person now. Like Bea Johnson and Lauren Singer before me, I'm now one of those people who keeps their trash in a jar. This jar. Plastic Free July is a great reason to try tacking my garbage for the first time, and here are the rules.... Continue Reading →

GogoBags: Review

Reducing waste can be as easy as replacing single-use items in your life with reusable ones. The ubiquitous plastic bag can be hard to avoid but their negative impact on the environment cannot be ignored. Bringing a cloth tote the grocery store is a good way to replace shopping bags, but what about snack sized... Continue Reading →

Grapefruit Candy: A Zero Waste Recipe

How much do you like grapefruit? Picture taking a bite of perfectly sweet and delicious grapefruit, maybe with a little sugar sprinkled on top. Ok, now imagine a grapefruit gummy worm. Still interested? Then let’s make Grapefruit Candy. This zero-waste recipe comes from my wonderful grandmother who used to make this special treat as a... Continue Reading →

Meet Murf.

I want to introduce you to one of my best friends: Murf. He isn’t very popular, he doesn’t get out much, and he smells pretty bad sometimes (but that’s not his fault), so I don’t blame you for not having met yet. So here's Murf:   See? How friendly! *MRFs are challenging to photograph because they're... Continue Reading →

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